an outline of all the continents making up the world map illustrated with dark blue dots with bright blue dots representing stakers in the location in the world


Solo Staker

Enabling ANYONE to run nodes, further decentralizing the Ethereum network. Have a look at the growing network of solo stakers on the map.

This program is a partnership between, dappnode, Avado and Obol

To be a solo operator

Why Be a Solo Operator?


Distributes validator keys to diverse operators using DVT, reducing risks and promoting decentralization.

No ETH deposit

For path 2, with the implementation of Distributed Validator Technology (DVT), the need for an ETH bond is eliminated.

Earn rewards

Participants earn rewards by supporting and validating the Ethereum network, benefiting stakers and the Ethereum ecosystem.

Choose your path is rolling out this initiative in two ways:


Path 1

Permissionless, with DVT for users who are willing to put up a 2 ETH bond requirement and have staking hardware already to secure and validate the Ethereum network.

For details on required staking hardware see here

Provides 30 ETH, software and technical support. Provide the hardware and internet connection. 2 ETH bond requirement.
Read more in the documentation

Path 2

Operation Solo Staker. By committing to operate a node for 2 years, will onboard select users into a permissioned environment allowing users to Solo Stake using DVT without the requirement of a 2 ETH bond.

Provides the ETH, software and technical support.Provide the internet connection and hardware, with no bond required.
Read more in the documentation

See registered suppliers

To be a solo node operator


These criteria will be relaxed as the program scales



Must have experience staking and be technically competent



Must have a solid internet connection with at least 250Mbps download and 100Mbps upload bandwidth with no cap on traffic



Must be comfortable being doxxed to if not providing a 2 ETH bond


Agree to Terms

Must be willing to sign agreement of program terms

To be a solo node operator

How to get involved?

Fill out our form below and begin your journey. If accepted, you will be emailed onboarding instructions.
Additional documentation can be found on our Gitbook. Innovation is what we do and we want community members who are aligned. If you’re interested in being part of our Raspberry Pi Solo Staking pilot program, click the box in the form below.

Become a Solo Staker is proud to partner with some of the smartest people in crypto. If you're interested in working with us please don't hesitate to reach out.

Name (Private)
Public Name (or alias)
Twitter Handle
Telegram Handle
Discord Handle
Wallet Address
Internet Connection
Residential or office internet
Staking Experience Level
Current Hardware
Staking Experience
Technical Expertise
How did you hear about the solo staker program?
Which staking path do you want to proceed with, path 1 or path 2 ? (See "Choose Your Path" Above)
Would you be willing to participate in our Raspberry Pi testing program for running light nodes?